A Guide to Buying a Paperboy Hat


A Guide to Buying a Paperboy Hat

For those who do not know, a paperboy hat is simply a cap that you wear and also one that is made of paper. Now-a-days, the modern-day paperboy hat can be custom-made and designed according to the choice of the buyer. In the past, men used to wear large feathered caps (which was quite a rage in the 70s) as a sign of their wealth and position in society. Paperboy hats were then seen as an emblem of a good ‘old boy’ scum.

However, in present times the paperboy hat has undergone several modifications in terms of its design and fashion statement. The modern-day newsboy hat is now a much-loved fashion accessory worn by men all around the world. A lot of women are interested in wearing them and many have made it a custom to buy and wear these hats on special occasions or simply as a matter of personal choice. Here are few things that you should keep in mind when choosing the best hat for yourself.

Firstly, it is important that you should choose a hat that suits your face shape and size. Large faces should go well with round or oval shaped hats to smaller faces look good with square or rectangle shaped hats. It also matters that you should buy a hat that does not come in too many colors and patterns, as too many colors and patterns can make you look funny and funky.
